Teamwork is our greatest passion

About us

Audere Invest SA is a financial advisory firm based in Lugano that addresses private, institutional and corporate clients to provide assistance in investment decisions and in the structuring of corporate and family business.

Our advisors are registered in the register of Swiss financial advisors RegFix.


In the field of asset management, Audere Invest is primarily an advisor to banks and asset managers to whom it provides a wide range of investment strategies. These strategies are applied both within investment funds, through actively managed certificates (AMCs) and through structured products.


Audere Invest is currently the advisor of a number of actively managed certificates (AMCs) listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange and the Milan Stock Exchange, which implement investment strategies based on the gold index, major stock indices and oil with the aim of producing 'market neutral' results, i.e. decoupled from the general market trend.


Thanks to a network of well-established relationships with banks, asset management companies, trust companies, tax advisors and lawyers, Audere intervenes in several critical aspects of the family business, including asset protection, the creation of new corporate vehicles, corporate restructuring, business internationalisation, the establishment of trusts and foundations as well as corporate treasury optimisation.


The activity of investment evaluation and contact with institutional players allows us to select investment opportunities in which we act primarily as investors with the aim of sharing these investments with our partners and clients. This activity is carried out through investment clubs for financial, commercial and industrial transactions of which we are promoters.



  • Treasury management
  • Bond issue
  • Securitization of assets
  • Private equity and investment clubs
  • Access to European funding


  • Wealth management consultancy
  • Design of dedicated investment strategies
  • Structured product design
  • Establishment of funds and investment vehicles
  • Issuance of actively managed certificates

The Quantitative Analysis team

The fulcrum of the research and development activity is represented by an internal quantitative team which constitutes a laboratory for continuous research and experimentation on the subject of financial markets and products.

Research and development

Audere considers investment in research and development as the distinctive strategic factor that allows the company to present itself to the market with unique and well-differentiated products compared to the market average.


Our research team has developed a quantitative model that uses macro-economic variables to predict the price performance of shares, precious metals, currencies and rates.


Redemption season

Redemption season

Investors are carefully pondering the new scenario WHAT HAPPENS At its meeting on Wednesday 14 December, the US FED should also raise rates by 0.50%. The last time US rates were at 4.5% was 2007 but US public debt was…

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The glass half empty

The glass half empty

Long-term high rates and rising energy prices WHAT HAPPENS Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom, the three major European economies, continue to report double-digit inflation rates, even rising in Italy (11.8% on 30.11). Therefore the ECB and the BoE remain…

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No Christmas rally

No Christmas rally

Central Banks Continue to Tighten Strings WHAT HAPPENS Traders are weighing every syllable of central bankers and counting every decimal of inflation and commodity cost updates hoping for some good news that will kickstart the...

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Carlotta Balzani

Carlotta Balzani

Financial advisor

Carlotta Balzani è consulente finanziario ed esperta in progetti di finanziamento e fondi europei. …


Alfredo Santacroce

Alfredo Santacroce

Corporate services

Director of Audere Invest, he has gained a long experience in corporate services which include administrative, tax and corporate aspects…


Matteo Pellizzari

Matteo Pellizzari

Analista quantitativo

Quantitative analyst, he holds a Masters in Economics & Finance from the University of Venice and a Degree in Economics and Commerce. After that,..


Ioannis Fotinopoulos

Ioannis Fotinopoulos

Quantitative models

University researcher in the UK, he holds a Ph.D in Quantitative Finance and a second Ph.D in Signal Processing Communications at Imperial College London…



Via Guglielmo Marconi 4
6900 Lugano (Switzerland)
T: +41 91 921 42 63
CHE 459.541.559


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