Privacy Policy


Audere Invest SA (hereinafter Audere or Owner) issues the interested party or user, i.e. the person to whom the personal data refer, the following information pursuant to art. 13 EU Regulation no. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter GDPR), relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. This information has the purpose of describing the characteristics of the treatments carried out in relation to the personal data provided by the interested party and the measures adopted in order to protect their rights.

This disclosure is released on the Audere website (, hereinafter the Website), in the section dedicated to the privacy policy on the home page.

Data controller

The data controller is Audere Srl with registered office in Pambio-Noranco (Switzerland) at Via Pian Scairolo 11, e-mail address:

Processed data

The Data Controller essentially collects the following personal data:

– User identification data, such as, for example, IP addresses and computer domain names
– Data relating to the use of the Site by the User
– Data provided voluntarily by the User (identifying information) for access to certain services offered through the Site, for which reference should be made to the specific information contained in the relevant reference sections
- Cookies.

For more information on cookies, their use and how to disable them, please refer to the cookie information.

Purpose of the treatment and storage time

Personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

a) manage the correct use of the Site.
b) Evaluate, in statistical form, the use of the Site by users.
c) Marketing
d) Ascertain any offenses committed by users to the detriment of third parties or to the detriment of the Owner.
e) Comply with European and national legislation, as well as with the provisions of the Guarantor Authority.

The data processed for the aforementioned purposes will be stored as better specified in the relative information (e.g. cookie information)

Lawfulness of processing

1) The processing is lawful because it is based on the following legal bases:

– legitimate interest of the Owner (managing the correct use of the website and ascertaining any offenses committed by users to the detriment of third parties or to the detriment of the Owner).
– Consent of the interested party expressed during the browsing experience (use of cookies).

Processing methods

Personal data is processed for the pursuit of the purposes indicated in this information on electronic support.

Mandatory or optional nature of the provision of data

If the User prefers not to receive cookies, he can prevent their transmission by the website by appropriately configuring his Internet browser.

In some cases, however, the use of some parts of the Site could be conditioned by the storage of cookies on the User's computer.

Categories of subjects to whom personal data may be communicated

The processing of the personal data provided to us may be carried out, in compliance with the principle of the strict necessity of the processing:

– by the Data Controller's employees, who act and process the data under the authority and instructions of the Data Controller, pursuant to art. 29 of the GDPR or of the employees designated by the Data Controller, pursuant to art. 2 quaterdecies of Legislative Decree no. 101/2018.
– By natural or legal persons whose right to access the personal data of the interested party is recognized by legal provisions established by European Union law or by Italian law, such as, by way of example, competent authorities and/or supervisory bodies for the fulfillment of legal obligations, and public administrations for their institutional purposes.
– By natural or legal persons used by the Data Controller to carry out the activities instrumental to achieving the Purposes (such as, for example, software suppliers, cloud partners, data centres, IT consultants). The third parties who will access the data will do so in compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data and the instructions given by the Data Controller and will in any case be appointed by the Data Controller as external data processors.

A list of data processors is available at the owner's headquarters.

Data dissemination

The data will not be disclosed under any circumstances.

Rights of the interested party

The interested party can exercise the following rights against the owner:
– Right of access: you have the right to obtain a copy of the personal data we hold and which are being processed.
– Right to rectification: you have the right to rectify personal data stored by the Data Controller if they are not updated or correct.
– Right to object to the processing of personal data for commercial purposes: you can request that the Data Controller stop sending commercial communications at any time.

2) – Right to object to decisions based on exclusively automated processes:

You can ask not to be the recipient of decisions made on the basis of exclusively automated processes, including profiling activity.

– Right to revoke a consent given: you have the right to revoke the consent given for a specific treatment at any time.
– Right to contact the Authority for the protection of personal data: you have the right to contact the Authority for the protection of personal data if you have doubts about the processing of personal data operated by the Data Controller.

The interested party can also exercise the following rights in certain circumstances:

– Right to cancellation: may request that the Data Controller cancel the personal data of the interested party if the purposes of the processing have ceased and there are no legitimate interests or legal provisions that require its continuation.
– Right to oppose a treatment: you can request that the Data Controller ceases to carry out a specific treatment on the personal data of the interested party.
– Right to limit processing: you have the right to request that the Data Controller limits the processing operations on the personal data of the interested party.
– Right to data portability: you have the right to obtain a copy of the data in a structured format in common use and readable by an automatic device from another Data Controller.

To exercise each of the aforementioned rights, the interested party can send an e-mail or write to the following address specifying the request and providing the Data Controller with the information necessary for the correct identification of the sender (also attaching a copy of the identity document) to the following addresses:

– by mail: Audere Invest SA Via Pian Scairolo 11 6915 Pambio-Noranco (Switzerland
– by e-mail:

Audere will respond within a month. If for some reason the Owner is unable to respond, he will provide a detailed explanation as to why he cannot fulfill the request.

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